Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Privacy,Rights and Good v. Evil

Privacy is a right. Not a privilege or preference. A constitutional right. An inalienable right of nature. It is how nature builds all of its living things, encapsulated so that that each living organism can have its own life.

Our technology is surpassing our humanity and I fear for the future. Looks to me Like Orwell was right. Looks like the days of big brother are upon us.

The cost of freedom, equality and justice is that you give it, not take it away and its for everyone or you don't have it.

A list of some human faults some call Good v. Evil is as follows:

Power and Control v. Freedom, Equality and Justice (Is why there is separation of powers in the Constitution. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Then megalomania ensues.)

Arrogance v. Empathy and Understanding

Greed v. Human rights (love of money is not bad, everyone has it. But when you want it so bad you would do harm to others to obtain it, then you are sick with greed.)

Privacy v. Your need to know (Sticking your noses in other peoples private business. Telescope sickness I call it. Because you like to look at other people through it but wouldn't want them watching you and it can lead to worse things you peeping toms.)

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