Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The fight against oppression began right from the start with man the strong against the weak
But it wasn’t are strength that made us the top species because bare handed we would still be food. We are not the strongest, fastest, or have the biggest claws and teeth.

It was our brains that made the difference.

In our fight within our species against might makes right our brain again won out.

It devised what we call justice, fairness and equality and with the help of our emotions where sympathy, empathy, compassion aided us on our journey.

Then came the oppression of ideas and beliefs with the dawn of  the dark ages. Then through the age of enlightenment we came.

But oppression still exists even today
The thing I can’t understand is nobody wants to be the oppressed but some still seek to be the oppressors.

Lets learn from are history and have justice,fairness, equality,sympathy,empthy and compassion.

Let freedom ring and viva la difference in all of us.

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