Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Fourth Branch Of Government

In school we where taught there was three branches of government Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

There are four. The latter being We The People and we have to power to elect two of the other three branches and to show when they are wrong and have through history with our right to assemble and our right to free speech.

To let them know women had the right to vote and equal pay. To let them know that it didn't matter the color of ones skin. Or what they believe in. but they should known by the oath that they take. That all men (men meaning if human man or woman) are created equal with certain inalienable rights.

At the times in our history when these people took to the streets it made people mad but everyone today would say they where right.

 Think about it when they want to start labeling some of these people today.

Seems like our fights for our rights will never end.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog Rob...keep up the good writing. I still don't have anything to write about, but it will come to me one day. I have writers block lol.
